Assessing what is meant by journal quality often involves striking a balance between institutional imperatives and the push to ‘publish or perish’ versus considerations such as access by discipline peers and recognition in your respective field or industry influence.
Some factors to consider:
Photo courtesy of Flickr user Wiley Asia
Publishing Power Hour 1: Publishing in quality journals [00:46:58] (Curtin staff and students only)
Useful resources are listed below:
SCIMago journal and country rank (using Scopus data)
Search instructions for SCIMago [PDF, 258kB].
Scimago journal rankings calculate the average number of weighted citations received in a year divided by articles published in a journal in the previous 3 years. They take into account the prestige of the cited journals. SJR rankings can be refined by subject area, category, journal quartile and country. Please find instructions here.
Journal Citation Reports (JCR) - Incites
Search instructions for JCR [PDF, 274kB].
Journal Citation Reports is published annually in two editions. JCR Science Edition contains data about more than 8,000 journals in science and technology. JCR Social Sciences Edition contains data about more than 2,600 journals in the social sciences.
Journal impact factors are calculated by dividing the number of citations in the most recent year by the total number of articles published in the two previous years. These metrics need to be taken in context of the discipline in which they are found and are not useful for comparing disciplines.
Search instructions for Ulrichsweb [PDF, 273kB].
Ulrichsweb is an easy to search source of detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types: academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more.
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
Search instructions for Ulrichsweb DOAJ [PDF, 381kB].
Hosted by Lund University. It covers free fulltext, quality controlled and scholarly journals.
Australian Business Deans Council journal ranking list includes 2600 titles reviewed by a panel of discipline experts.
Compiled and edited by Professor Anne-Wil Harzing, The Journal Quality List comprises academic journals in the following broad areas: Economics, Finance, Accounting, Management, and Marketing. It is updated annually.
Excellence in Research Australia(ERA) 2023 Journal Submission List [XLSX, 2.57MB]
For inclusion in the ERA Journal List, the journal had to:
The following strategies are recommended to maximize your article’s likelihood of being accepted:
Publishing Power Hour 6: Getting your article published [00:59:30] (Curtin staff and students only)
How to publish in Nature and Science: Workshop recording [01:19:20] - Faculty of Science and Engineering: Nature and Science Workshop 2021. Speakers in engineering, astronomy and life sciences provided case studies on how they were able to publish in Nature or Science.
Many publishers offer online automated tools that allow you to match the abstract of your paper with a suitable journal title in their publishing house. These emerging services use text matching and similarity, which may not be perfect, but they can often alert you to titles that you may otherwise not find. Below are some examples:
When publishers wish to put together a special issue on a particular topic, they often send out a call for papers. They are generally very explicit in what they require, and provide a detailed overview of formats, topics and contact points. This has the advantage of an academic having a clear understanding of what the publisher requires and is therefore able to focus the content accordingly.
Some publishers provide a portal to all current “call for papers” and you can browse by topic. Examples include:
Two Nature journals provide access to guest edited collections covering both the science and social science disciplines:
Another way of finding a call for papers is by going to a journal’s homepage and checking if it has a call for papers tab. The journal may have a news section that will list any upcoming special issues.
You can then check if there are any current call for papers that you may want to submit to. This is particularly useful if you are targeting specific journals to publish with.
Note that this is not necessarily a feature of all journals.
Publishing your work in an Open Access journal can increase the visibility and accessibility of your work. There are various business models under which OA journals operate:
Hybrid journals
The author elects to pay for an article to be made openly accessible within a subscription journal. As publishers receive both subscriptions and OA fees, this is often referred to as ‘double-dipping’.
Finding the most appropriate journals in which to publish your research will be a process of weighing up a number of factors, both within and beyond your control.
You will need to consider:
Use the tools in the next tabs to help you make the best choice.
The following resources will help you find relevant OA journals in your area:
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
Hosted by Lund University. It covers free full text, quality controlled and scholarly journals. You can match your abstract against journals in DOAJ by using the Open Journal Matcher.
Journal Citation Reports (JCR) - Incites
Journal Citation Reports is published annually in two editions. JCR Science Edition contains data about more than 8,000 journals in science and technology. JCR Social Sciences Edition contains data about more than 2,600 journals in the social sciences
SCIMago journal ranking (SJR)
Find journals by their quartile rankings and OA availability.
Open Policy Finder (formerly known as Sherpa Romeo)
Database of publisher copyright policies & self-archiving policies.
Ulrichsweb is an easy to search source of detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals (also called serials) of all types: academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more.
For more information on searching these tools for OA content, go to Tools for finding quality journals.
The Directory of Open Access Journals search function can identify quality open access journals that do not charge article processing fees (APCs).