Open access

Open Access Publishing Agreements

Curtin University Library, working with the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL), has entered into a number of Open Access publishing agreements with several major publishers. Agreements are negotiated between a publisher and an institution for access to journal content. The library continues to pay a subscription, but the subscription cost also covers open access publishing by the institution’s researchers.

The CAUL negotiated agreements are called “Read and Publish” agreements, and allow Curtin staff and students to make their articles available open access without directly incurring article processing charges. You can read more about this on the Library blog.


To be eligible to publish as part of these agreements you must:

  • be the corresponding author
  • be affiliated with Curtin University
  • use your Curtin University email address

Note that publishers may not include all titles in the agreements. For details on specific requirements for each publisher, including the article types that are eligible for open access, please use the individual publisher links below or go to the CAUL website.

Curtin Library Open Access Publishing Agreements 2025

The Library has Open Acess agreements with the publishers listed below. You can check agreement details and specific discount schemes in place by clicking on indvidual publisher links. To find out if a title is included in the agreement search the Journal Title List.

* Indicates agreement has a yearly publishing cap. If you have an article accepted after the publishing cap has been reached you will be notified that an APC is payable in order to publish open access.

The Library has consolidated the total list of journal titles covered by the current Curtin Open Access Publishing agreements in the table below, providing information about the status of each title and whether it is excluded or included in the agreements. Narrow your search using the filters provided.

If you require assistance, please email the Strategic Publishing Service team

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Eligibility under Curtin's
Open Access publishing agreements?