Strategic publishing


Printed books have traditionally been identified uniquely by the application of an ISBN (International Standard Book Number). This number allows for easy identification for the purposes of selling or cataloguing a book or similar product.

  • An ISBN improves the likelihood your book will be found and purchased as ISBNs are internationally applied and recognized
  • An ISBN links to essential information about your book
  • An ISBN enables more efficient marketing and distribution of your title
  • Most retailers require ISBNs
  • An ISBN helps you collect and analyse book sales data

How do I get an ISBN?

For books published commercially the Publisher will organise an ISBN. However if you are self publishing a title and wish it to be available commercially or publicly, you can apply for an ISBN from the Australian suppliers:

Level One, 607 St Kilda Road
(PO Box 6509, St Kilda Road Central VIC 8008)
Melbourne Vic, 3004
Tel: +61 3 8517 8349


DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) are the most commonly used identifier for publications and are backed up by International Standard ISO 26324. DOIs can be assigned to any entity - physical, digital or abstract. Items themselves do not need to be digital. DOIs are “minted” by DOI registration agencies and via a number of allocating agents such as the Australian Research Data Commons.

How do I get a DOI?

The following information relates to Curtin researchers only

If you already have an ISBN it may be possible to express this as a DOI, rather than applying for another identifier for your work. Check the Factsheet on the DOI website.

“Legal Deposit is a statutory provision requiring publishers to deposit copies of their publications in a nominated collecting institute. The Legal Deposit system ensures that the works of authors and publishers will be preserved for present and future generations.

The comprehensive collections formed through Legal Deposit provide a valuable resource for research into all aspects of Australian life: its history and culture including artistic, commercial, technical and scientific endeavour” (State Library of Western Australia).

Under section 201 of the Commonwealth Copyright Act 1968 and various state Acts, a copy of any work published in Australia must be deposited with the National Library of Australia. In addition, The WA State Government also requires deposit of locally produced works into the State Library of Western Australia.

A work may be a book, a periodical such as a newsletter or annual report, a newspaper, a piece of sheet music, map, plan, chart, table, program, catalogue, brochure or pamphlet. A work is deemed to have been published if reproductions of the work or edition have been made available (whether by sale or otherwise) to the public.

Legal Deposit in Western Australia

The State Library of Western Australia is the Legal Deposit library for Western Australia. The Legal Deposit Act 2012 was passed in May 2012 and covers print, audio-visual and digital material, including works published on the internet.

The Legal Deposit Regulations 2013 covering the sections of the Act relating to print and other physical items came into force on January 1st 2014 and will be extended to online publications in the near future.

What you need to do

As a Curtin author the onus is on you to deposit your works under the Legal Deposit legislation.

For any print or electronic works published by Curtin authors and made available to the public:

  1. ONE copy must be deposited with the National Library within one month of publication. Electronic versions are preferred and can be lodged online via the National edeposit Service.
  2. An additional ONE copy of any hard copy publication must be deposited with the State Library of Western Australia within 30 days of publication. Copies should be sent to:

Legal Deposit
State Library of Western Australia
25 Francis St
Perth WA 6000
Enquiries by email:
Enquiries by telephone: (08) 9427 3348

Until the Regulations relating to online/electronic publications are enacted, electronic copies of Western Australian publications should be deposited into the National edeposit Service at the National Library as mentioned in item 1 above.

For further information, follow the links below.