To generate a citation or bibliographic report you will first need to find all your publications that are indexed in Scopus.
From the search page select the Authors tab.
On the author results page the work of each author profile that fits the search criteria is listed. As this is an automated process your output could be split across more than one author profile or another author’s work may be incorrectly allocated (if they have a similar name, field of research etc.)
It is recommended you check if the documents in a profile are all yours.
If you have a single result that you are confident is an accurate and comprehensive list of your publications in Scopus click on your name to go to the author profile where you can either see a Citation Overview or Analyse Author Output . If you are unsure all of the publications are yours can click on the number in the documents column to see the publications.
If you have multiple results select all of those that yours and Show documents.
On the documents results page if you find that some of the documents from the results are yours and others are not you can simply select those that are. From there either View citation overview or Analyse search results.
Citation Overview can be selected from any set of search results or from the author details page.
Citation Overview lists of all of your publications with the total number of citations and the citations by year (going back five years by default).
As the citation overview can analyse any set of results it could be used to analyse documents from a group of authors or the results of a subject search etc.
Analyse author output can be accessed from your Author Profile.
From the Author details screen you can get an overview of an author’s publications.
This includes:
From the Analyse author output page you can view:
Note: If all of your publications are not part of the same author profile you can generate an analyse search results report from selected search results which provides similar information.
If your author profile is not up-to-date and you can’t Analyse author output the Analyse search results report can produce most of the same analytics and has some further options.
From the document results screen you can always generate an Analyse search results report.
From the Analyse search results page you can: