This charter outlines the training and advice available to Curtin University’s academic staff and Higher Degree by Research students on the responsible use of metrics and altmetrics data to demonstrate the research impact of individual researchers or a group of researchers.
Discover the scope of the Metrics and Research Impact Service:
Advice on the responsible use of research metrics and altmetrics data to support an impact statement or grant application.
Guidance on the use of research metrics platforms and tools.
Guidance on implementing researcher identifiers.
Instruction on retrieving research metrics and altmetrics from platforms.
Individualised reports on request by individuals or updating metrics in grant application statements for individuals.
Compilation of analytical metrics and altmetrics reports, tracking and/or benchmarking the research performance of a school or research group.
Publication listings for research groups/schools/faculties.
Institution level analytics related to university rankings or ranking the performance of researchers.
For assistance in the writing and reviewing of impact statements:
For assistance with grant applications:
Details of the Services available and how to contact us for advice or bookings:
Email queries:
(48 hours on business days).
The Library provides individual support for academic staff. Before booking a consultation:
Consult the Demonstrating Impact guide to see if your query can be answered.
Retrieve your ORCID or any other Researcher Identifiers such as Scopus Author ID and Researcher ID.
Referral and requests for consultation are completed within 3 weeks. We may defer requests based on staffing capacity.
Curtin academic staff may request training sessions for their research groups/school/faculty. The Library can provide customised training sessions and presentations, which take time to prepare. Please ensure you submit your request at least 3 weeks in advance. We may defer requests based on staffing capacity.
To request a training session or presentation:
Book a consultation and state in the booking request that you’d like to arrange a training session.
Prepare the following information prior to bring to the consultation:
The requester is responsible for the event coordination, including booking of suitable venue, registrations and invitations, promotion, catering etc.
The Library does not run regular, generic training sessions on research impact and metrics. Sessions provided will be advertised directly to researchers and HDR students.