
About Curtin Theses Collection

The Curtin Theses Collection holds the successfully completed theses of Curtin Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students. This comprises Doctorate and Master by Research awards. Masters by Coursework and Honours theses may be held by the enrolling Schools.

The collection contains over 4,400 records, about 95% of which have the full text document available.

Up to 2012, Curtin HDR theses were maintained in print form. You can search for print theses in the Curtin Library Catalogue.

Prior to being approved to graduate, HDR students are required to deposit two copies of their thesis to the University Library. The public version will be made openly available in espace.

HDR students should familiarise themselves with essential resources related to thesis preparation, including information on plagiarism and copyright.

Refer to the Guidelines for Deposit of Final Thesis under Thesis Submission for instructions on how to deposit your thesis to the University Library.

The University understands that there may be circumstances where it is appropriate to prevent public access to a thesis due to contractual reasons or sensitivity of the material. This is called an embargo.

HDR students considering placing an embargo on their thesis should talk with with their Supervisor or contact the Graduate Research School.

Refer to Guidelines for Deposit of Final Thesis under Thesis Submission for further information on thesis embargo requests.

Refer to Advance search at How to search espace to locate Curtin Higher Degree by Research Theses in espace.

Below is a list of publisher summaries for HDR students wishing to reproduce their own published article in their thesis and make openly available in espace. For more information refer to Including your research papers in your thesis on the Copyright at Curtin website.

For publishers not listed below, check the publisher’s website or contact Library Copyright Team.

For a Published article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? None
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • Published journal article is required to be embedded in the thesis and not separately downloadable.
    • DOI is required to link back to the formal publication on ScienceDirect.

Publisher website

For a Published article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? None
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • Authors must properly cite the published article in their thesis according to current citation standards.
    • Material from: ‘AUTHOR, TITLE, JOURNAL TITLE, published [YEAR], [publisher - as it appears on our copyright page]’.

Publisher website

For a Published article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? None
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • Authors must properly cite the published article in their thesis according to current citation standards.
    • Material from: ‘AUTHOR, TITLE, JOURNAL TITLE, published [YEAR], [publisher - as it appears on our copyright page]’.

Publisher website

For a Published article:

Published version cannot be reproduced in thesis unless published Open Access

For a Accepted Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? Variable - check journal in Sherpa Romeo
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • “This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [FULL CITE], which has been published in final form at [Link to final article using the DOI]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited.”

For a Author’s Original (Submitted) Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? None
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • “This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: [FULL CITE], which has been published in final form at [Link to final article using the DOI]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.”

Publisher website

For a Published article:

Published version cannot be reproduced in thesis unless published Open Access

For a Accepted Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? Variable - check journal in Sherpa Romeo
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • “This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in [JOURNAL TITLE] on [date of publication], available online:[Article DOI].”

For a Author’s Original (submitted) Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? None
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • “This is an original manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in [JOURNAL TITLE] on [date of publication], available at:[Article DOI].”

Publisher website

For a Published article:

Published version cannot be reproduced in thesis unless published Open Access

For a Accepted Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes *Be aware of Journal Exceptions. Review Publisher website link below.
  • Embargo period? Variable - check journal in Sherpa Romeo
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • After your Contribution has been accepted for publication and until it is assigned a DOI, please include a statement that your Contribution has been accepted for publication in the journal.
    • Once full citation information for your Contribution is available, please include this with your posted Contribution: Author(s), Contribution Title, Journal Title (Journal Volume Number and Issue Number) pp. xx-xx. Copyright © [year] (Copyright Holder). DOI: [DOI number].

For a Author’s Original (submitted) Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? None
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • After your Contribution has been accepted for publication and until it is assigned a DOI, please include a statement that your Contribution has been accepted for publication in the journal.
    • Once full citation information for your Contribution is available, please include this with your posted Contribution: Author(s), Contribution Title, Journal Title (Journal Volume Number and Issue Number) pp. xx-xx. Copyright © [year] (Copyright Holder). DOI: [DOI number].

Publisher website

For a Published article:

Published version cannot be reproduced in thesis unless published Open Access

For a Accepted Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? 12 months
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • “This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in [insert journal title XXX here]. The definitive publisher-authenticated version [insert complete citation information here, including DOI] is available online at: [insert URL here]”.

Publisher website

For a Published article:

Published version cannot be reproduced in thesis unless published Open Access

For a Accepted  Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? Variable - check journal in Sherpa Romeo
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • Self-archiving policies are specific to each journal. Details of these policies and their terms and conditions can be found on the journals’ homepage.

For a Author’s Original (submitted) Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? Variable - check journal in Sherpa Romeo
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • Self-archiving policies are specific to each journal. Details of these policies and their terms and conditions can be found on the journals’ homepage.

Publisher website

For a Published article:

Published version cannot be reproduced in thesis unless published Open Access

For a Accepted  Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? Variable - check journal in Sherpa Romeo
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:

For a Author’s Original (submitted) Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? None
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:

Publisher website

For a Published article:

Published version cannot be reproduced in thesis unless published Open Access

For a Accepted Manuscript article:

Publisher website

For a Published article:

Published version cannot be reproduced in thesis unless published Open Access

For a Accepted Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? Variable - check journal in Sherpa Romeo
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • “This article has been accepted for publication in [insert full citation including Journal, Volume and Issue]. The Version of Record of this article can be accessed online at [insert full DOI eg.].”

For a Author’s Original (submitted) Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? No
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • “This article has been accepted for publication in [insert full citation including Journal, Volume and Issue] following peer review. The Version of Record of this article can be accessed online at [insert full DOI eg.].”

Publisher website

For a Published article:

Published version cannot be reproduced in thesis unless published Open Access

For a Accepted Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? Variable - check journal in Sherpa Romeo
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • “This is the Accepted Manuscript version of an article accepted for publication in [NAME OF JOURNAL].  IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it.  The Version of Record is available online at [insert DOI].”

For a Author’s Original (submitted) Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? None
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • “This is the version of the article before peer review or editing, as submitted by an author to [INSERT NAME OF JOURNAL].  IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it.  The Version of Record is available online at [INSERT DOI]”.

Publisher website

For a Published article:

Published version cannot be reproduced in thesis unless published Open Access*

For a Accepted Manuscript article:

  • Suitable for public version of thesis deposited to espace? Yes
  • Embargo period? Variable - check journal in Sherpa Romeo
  • Publisher acknowledgement to accompany version of article:
    • To deposit your author accepted manuscript, you will need to include the following details:
    • DOI back to the official published version of your work on Emerald Insight,
    • All relevant citation information (for journal articles: article title, journal name, volume, issue number and for book chapters: chapter title, book title, series name and volume number).
    • The author accepted manuscript must clearly indicate where the article was published.
    • Include a clear licensing statement in the citation information and on the first page of the AAM (see Deposit Licenses at

Publisher website