It is essential to set up and maintain your ORCID and other researcher identifiers to keep track of your research outputs for:
Check external platforms and repositories where your work is indexed. These can be used to populate other profiles and are used by others to find your research.
Scopus Author ID
Automatically generated if any of your research output is in Scopus, so it is recommended you check for accuracy.
Publons ResearcherID
Set up if it contains your research outputs not indexed elsewhere.
Google Scholar Profile
Set up if it contains your research outputs not indexed elsewhere.
Your Elements profile feeds into your public Staff Profile and is essential for Curtin’s reporting purposes.
Linking Elements to external sources ensures accuracy and it can be used to populate your ORCID.
Link Elements profile to Scopus AuthorID and Publons ResearcherID.
Import records from Google Scholar and other sources (if required).
Manually create records that can’t be found elsewhere.
ORCID is your unique identifier – your public profile and publications record.
An ORCID is required for grant applications and journal article submissions.
ORCID links to many other platforms and can act as a source of truth.
Register for an ORCID and link it to Elements.
Populate with past publications by adding from Elements, Scopus, Google Scholar and others.
Set up auto-population by linking to CrossRef and submitting your ORCID to publishers.
Check and correct Scopus AuthorID, ResearcherID and Google Scholar profiles as required. Consider automatic updates option for Google Scholar.
Check your ORCID profile and add any records that are not automatically added via CrossRef.
How frequently should you check and correct your profiles?
Researcher identifiers checklist (Printable Guide) [PDF, 146kB]
Please contact if you have any queries or require help.
An ORCID is a persistent digital identifier unique to you that distinguishes your research output from other researchers. This links your name to your research and ensures a consistent, reliable attribution of your work.
Professor Steven Tingay, John Curtin Distinguished Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering:
“The ORCID is rapidly becoming the standard for tracking research and identifying researchers in my field, astrophysics. Increasingly, high profile journals are adding ORCIDs to author lists in hypertext form, providing high visibility to ORCIDs in publications and easy access to other work by the same author. Along with preprint servers and publication metrics analysis sites, the ORCID, as a unique identifier, is becoming an important tool for recognition of research. And it is easy to obtain an ORCID.”
Professor Damien Arrigan, Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering:
“ORCID provides me with a unique identifier that enables me to use it as a single reliable source of my track record. This can be accessed by journal publishers as well as by funding agencies. As an example, publishers in chemistry, such as RSC and ACS, now require corresponding authors of submitted manuscripts to have an ORCID.
By linking everything to my ORCID (submitted papers, other databases etc., including, in the near future, submitted research proposals) I can have more confidence that my track record is consistently defined. It also means ORCID is the most up-to-date record, because it automatically adds my new publications to my record once these are published with my ORCID included. Hopefully, linking ORCID to Curtin’s Elements will also bring advantages of speedy updates and accurate data.”
Professor Kirsten Holmes, Dean of Research, Faculty of Business and Law:
“I have an ORCID as this is the global one stop shop for recording a researcher’s profile and is not tied to any institution. Funding bodies such as the ARC ask for ORCIDs on grant applications. Also in a sector where so much of our work is tied to commercial entities such as publishers, ORCID is a not-for-profit organisation, which is good to support.”
Professor Lin Fritschi, John Curtin Distinguished Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences:
“There are millions of people publishing in the academic literature today. I’m lucky as I have an unusual name, but for many researchers it is almost impossible for others to get an idea of how brilliant your ideas and work actually is. Just get an ORCID - it’s easy, they do all the work, and you just need to login now and again and check the publications that they think might be yours. You can link your ORCID to lots of databases (such as grant profiles) so your publications can be automatically uploaded. How good is that?”
Associate Professor Lucy Montgomery, Director of the Centre for Culture and Technology:
“Are you tired of trying to maintain a coherent list of your publications? Frustrated by trying to keep multiple researcher profiles up to date via sites like, ResearchGate and LinkedIn? Sick of hunting down papers so that they can be included in Elements? ORCID is the answer! It provides a non-commercial, safe, stable place for you to keep a record of works that you have published and grants that you have won. It provides you with an ORCID link that you can add to your social media profile so that contacts on Twitter and LinkedIn can see your publication list with zero fuss. If you provide journals with your ORCID, publications will automatically appear in your ORCID record. ORCID even connects with Elements – so you won’t have to hunt down your latest publications every time the University asks you to prove they happened. And your ORCID record goes with you if you change institutions. If you are a serious researcher then ORCID is for you. Funding agencies, Universities, and journals are increasingly requiring an ORCID, so you might as well hurry up and start enjoying a system that will actually make your life easier.”
Professor Mark Harris, John Curtin Distinguished Professor, Faculty of Business and Law:
“A great, easy and effective way to manage all of your academic outputs, submit papers and increase your visibility.”
“Having an ORCID has made an enormous difference to profiling and managing my research outputs, from identifying citations to having publications auto-populate to the relevant databases.”