Author identifiers

Uploading publications to ARC RMS

The Australian Research Council (ARC) has recently made changes to grant applications with regards to how publications are uploaded to their site. You will no longer be able to upload publications as a PDF document.

Researchers can populate their research output into their ARC Research Management System (RMS) profiles and application form using any of the following methods:

  • linking an RMS account with an ORCID account and importing the research outputs from the ‘Works’ section of the user’s ORCID profile
  • uploading a BibTeX file to RMS and doing a bulk upload of the research output
  • using a DOI to automatically harvest research output metadata and create a research output record
  • adding research outputs manually within the RMS user profile.

For more information, view the ARC RMS Auto-population of Research Outputs page.

If you have any queries, please contact the ROC Relationships Team.

Using ORCID for RMS

Auto-populating your RMS with ORCID

View the user guide and frequently asked questions on the ARC RMS Auto-population of Research Outputs page.

View the Auto-populating your research outputs into the ARC RMS system by the University of South Australia.
